What is Injection Snoreplasty vs. Palate Coblation?What is Injection Snoreplasty and Is It Different From Palate Coblation?

peaceful sleep

Snoring isn’t just annoying – it’s a health disorder. That may sound extreme, but the truth is that if you snore at night, you’re not just at risk of being tired and unproductive after a restless night of sleep. You may also experience serious medical conditions like heart disease or high blood pressure, especially if … Read more

Do Nasal Polyps Cause Sleep Apnea?

Do Nasal Polyps Cause Sleep Apnea?

If the thought of having growths in your nose makes you a little uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Though generally considered non-cancerous, nasal polyps are common because they can block airways. If you’ve been told you breathe through your mouth at night or make loud, gasping noises when you sleep, you could be battling obstructive sleep … Read more

Is my Snoring Really Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Is my Snoring Really Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Anyone who’s ever caught an elbow to the rib cage from a sleep deprived partner knows how disruptive their snoring can be. But in some cases, it can be dangerous, too. Nearly half the population snores, but for about 22 million Americans, that snoring is actually an audible sign of something more serious: Obstructive Sleep … Read more

How California Wildfires Can Cause Sinus Infections

Wildfires Can Cause Sinus Infections

We are in the thick of California wildfire season again, and with it comes the usual hazards: evacuations, scorched earth, orange skies, eye-stinging smoke — and sinus infections. How can you tell whether you have wildfire-induced sinusitis? And how exactly can you avoid it? Let’s explore. Sinus Infections + Smoke Sinuses are air-filled pockets in … Read more

Will Losing Weight Stop Snoring Problems?

overweight cpap

If you’re overweight, you likely have been told that losing weight is the magic bullet that will solve all your health problems. Does this advice extend to snoring, too? Yes, and sometimes no (thin people snore, too).  However, if you started snoring when you gained weight when previously you did not snore, weight loss may … Read more

Anti-Snoring Devices Reviewed by an ENT Doctor

Anti-Snoring Devices Reviewed by an ENT Doctor

Snoring products are big business—and for good reason. Snoring affects nearly 57% of men and 40% of women—and their bedpartners. But do snoring prevention devices work? It depends. Snoring has one basic cause: obstructed upper airways. When your airway is too narrow, you work harder to breathe in, and the air that gets through becomes … Read more

Long-Term Health Effects of Chronic Snoring

couple snoring

We spend a third of our lives sleeping — but many of us are in denial about how much rest we are actually getting and how detrimental this lack of sleep can be to our health. For example, if you’re a chronic snorer, you could be suffering long-term effects without realizing it. Snoring is a … Read more

Women & Snoring: The Risks and Causes

Women Snoring

Though snoring is commonly found in both women and men, when asked to picture someone who has sleep apnea, chances are you imagine a larger middle-aged man whose wife must endure loud, trumpeting snoring.  While many of Dr. Marc Kayem’s snoring and sleep apnea patients are men, women can have sleep apnea and snoring problems … Read more