Acute Sinusitis vs. Chronic Sinusitis


Pounding headache, check. Stuffy nose, check. Exhaustion, check. Changing of the seasons and shifts in barometric pressure that exacerbate the symptoms, double-check. It all adds up to one awful case of sinusitis (aka rhinosinusitis). But is it just one case? Or do you have these bouts several times a year? Acute sinusitis is a temporary … Read more

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

A recently developed procedure may help millions of people struggling with Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) without the need for surgery or constant medication. Eustachian tube balloon dilation is an FDA-approved procedure that has been shown to help people with chronic ETD by resolving the source of the problem rather than treating symptoms alone. 5 Not … Read more

Nose Snoring vs. Mouth Snoring

Snoring man

Did you know that the average sound of a snore ranges between 50 and 80 decibels — roughly as loud as normal conversation (on the low end) to the drone of a vacuum cleaner (on the high end)?  However, if you or your sleep partner are really unlucky, a snore can sound as cacophonous as … Read more

Snoring and Relationships.: How It Impacts Your Love Life – Insights from an ENT Doctor

Relationship and Snoring

Discover the impact of snoring on relationships and gain valuable insights from an ENT doctor. Learn effective strategies to overcome snoring issues and maintain a harmonious bond with your partner. Snoring can create significant stress and sleep disruption, but with the right approaches, you can find solutions to ensure restful nights and a thriving relationship. Explore the challenges faced by snoring couples, celebrity experiences, and practical tips to address snoring and maintain a healthy love life.

Alternatives to CPAP Are Needed After Recall by FDA


CPAP and BiPAP machines — long considered one of the most reliable sleep apnea treatments — have always had their share of issues. Let’s start with the fact that nearly half of CPAP-prescribed patients never even use their machines. Of those who do, complaints are widespread, from feeling claustrophobic, to the sound being loud, to … Read more

Why Your Sinusitis, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea Could Be Related

Man Sleeping

There’s nothing worse than a poor night’s sleep. If your sleep difficulties are caused by breathing difficulties, you and your bed partner are likely to both wake up unrested. In fact, 30 percent of participants say their sweetie’s snoring causes them to routinely sleep in a separate room, according to one UK Study. Beyond its … Read more

Do Nasal Polyps Cause Sleep Apnea?

Do Nasal Polyps Cause Sleep Apnea?

If the thought of having growths in your nose makes you a little uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Though generally considered non-cancerous, nasal polyps are common because they can block airways. If you’ve been told you breathe through your mouth at night or make loud, gasping noises when you sleep, you could be battling obstructive sleep … Read more

Is my Snoring Really Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Is my Snoring Really Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Anyone who’s ever caught an elbow to the rib cage from a sleep deprived partner knows how disruptive their snoring can be. But in some cases, it can be dangerous, too. Nearly half the population snores, but for about 22 million Americans, that snoring is actually an audible sign of something more serious: Obstructive Sleep … Read more