Why Your Sinusitis, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea Could Be Related

Man Sleeping

There’s nothing worse than a poor night’s sleep. If your sleep difficulties are caused by breathing difficulties, you and your bed partner are likely to both wake up unrested. In fact, 30 percent of participants say their sweetie’s snoring causes them to routinely sleep in a separate room, according to one UK Study. Beyond its … Read more

How California Wildfires Can Cause Sinus Infections

Wildfires Can Cause Sinus Infections

We are in the thick of California wildfire season again, and with it comes the usual hazards: evacuations, scorched earth, orange skies, eye-stinging smoke — and sinus infections. How can you tell whether you have wildfire-induced sinusitis? And how exactly can you avoid it? Let’s explore. Sinus Infections + Smoke Sinuses are air-filled pockets in … Read more

Do You Have Symptoms for Sinusitis or COVID?

Sinusitus sickness

You are feeling the symptoms come on. Cough, check. Sore throat, check. It’s not long before you’re contemplating an unsettling question: Is it a sinus infection — or is it COVID-19? Sinusitis and COVID-19 both have many of the same symptoms, which means it is difficult to determine the cause of your illness without taking … Read more